Thursday, July 13, 2006


I was not lazy to update this blog. It's just because the server was sooooo slow until I got fedup of waiting.

Anyway, Ayah, Mummy and myself went back to Ayah's hometown in Jasin over the weekend. Nek Teh's first daugther was getting married. We didn't actually attend the wedding, because we arrived hometown quite late. Everybody was around, saved for Mak Cik's family because all of them got infected by chicken-pox. Pak Lang bought a new car, a big Mercedez. Wonder when Ayah and Mummy are going to upgrade their cars...hehe..

As the youngest in the family, all attention was on me. I enjoyed the brief stay there immensely. But if Mak Cik's family was around, it would be more bombastic! I was surprised to find a photo of myself framed neatly on top of Nenek's decoration cabinet. I looked cute and cool in the picture..hehe..We went home late Sunday afternoon, and everybody in Mummy's house (Atuk, Nenek, Acik and Pokcu) had missed me so much although we were in Ayah's hometown for a short while only. I know everybody love me so much!! hehe...

On other note, Mummy forgot to tell Mak Cik Ani (my babysitter) that I am allergic to baby talc/powder. As a result, I got heat rashes all over my body. It's very itchy and made me very uncomfortable, especially when it is very warm or heaty. Normally, I would scrub my face with my hands, but usually people would stop me while I was doing it. Unable to do much, I resorted to normal solution- I CRIED LOUDLY!!! Mummy bought prickly heat/rash powder for me, and it had helped to tune down the itchiness. I hope they would disappear soon so that I can once again enjoy itchy-free life.

Yesterday Pokcu and Acik bought me mini trains complet with tracks, light and music. I enjoyed watching them move very much. Thanks Pokcu and Acik!!

Mummy was on sick leave on Monday and Tuesday. Her conjunctivitis came back after 2 weeks. Luckily it was not so serious and by second day, it was quite ok already. I enjoyed being home with Mummy and everyone else around. I slept vey little and played with everybody the whole day. Mummy even got me on video when I 'walked'! Of course with the help of Acik and Atuk lah. But, at 4 months, it was quite an achievement what? But I have yet to learn how to turn myself completely while lying. At the moment, I have only managed to turn sideways only. I wonder when I can turn fully so that I can rest on my tummy?

I have also found myself new hobbies. I like to grab things, be it Pokcu's or Acik's spectacles, Mummy's, Pokcu's or Acik's (or anybody's) hair and I like to pop them inside my mounth. I also like to suck on my fingers- they are so yummy!! Now, my gums are feeling itchy also and I like to lick them with my tongue. I think it would be soon that I am going to bite everyone... BEWARE OF MY TEETH!!! hehe....

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